About the Information Architecture Institute

The Information Architecture Institute is a 501(c)6 professional organization, operated by a dedicated, multi-national group of people who are dedicated to promoting the concept, craft and community of information architecture.

We live in exciting times. As the information age rolls forward, our businesses, markets and societies are being transformed into adaptive, connected networks. The Internet of today only hints at the ubiquitous communication infrastructure of tomorrow. The construction of this brave new world requires a new kind of architecture, focused on digital structures of information and software rather than physical structures of bricks and mortar. As we spend more time working and playing in these shared information spaces, people will need and demand better search, navigation and collaboration systems.

Volunteering our own resources, we aspire to collaborate within our community and build bridges to related disciplines and organizations. We invite you to join us in advancing the state of information architecture through research, education, advocacy and community service.

The IA Institute Framework

Final framework

We aim to facilitate the following relationships and the people and groups they serve:

  • Mentors/Institutions and Apprentices/Students
    This is the relationship of induction, education, training and professional development. It is about bringing people into the practice of information architecture and strengthening their acumen.
  • Researchers and Practitioners
    This is the relationship of reconciling theory with practice. It is about getting important research out into the field, as well as getting feedback from the field about which research is important.
  • Project Teams and Volunteers
    This is the relationship of service. It is about providing the infrastructure for motivated people, whose time we recognize as valuable, to perform effectively and achieve results in the endeavours of the organization.
  • Vendors and Customers
    This is the relationship of commerce. It is about enabling our members to trade the products and services that make them more effective at the practice of information architecture.
  • Workers/Consultants and Employers/Clients
    This is the relationship of work. It is about connecting information architects with the projects and organizations that make their skills useful to the outside world.

In addition to these mediating relationships, there are the relationships the Institute itself forges directly:

  • Business Decision-Makers
    This is the relationship of outreach. It is about explaining to business leaders the value of information architecture and how it fits into their organizations.
  • Other Organizations
    This is the relationship of alliance. It is about adding further definition to the Institute by situating it among a broader community of similar, but different organizations.

Read our Annual Report (2014) (PDF) to find out what we accomplished in our tenth year of operation.

Spotlight on our People

Noreen Whysel
Operations Manager

As Operations Manager for the Information Architecture Institute, Noreen develops projects that improve information architecture education, member services and advocacy of information architecture in general. This includes coordinating volunteer initiative leaders for the IA Library, Tools, Education, Job Board and Mentoring projects, and performing website and listserv maintenance, event logistics and general administrative tasks.

You can reach Noreen at operations AT iainstitute DOT org.

Spotlight on our Partners



Axure RP is the standard in interactive wireframe software and gives you the power to quickly and easily deliver much more than typical mockup tools.

Generate an interactive HTML website wireframe or UI mockup without coding. Then, send a link to clients or users to review. Or design an Android or iPhone app interface and view it right on your mobile device.