Research Reports
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Discover IA industry trends, software and education patterns among IAs, including our latest surveys:
Polar Bear Book, Third Edition
Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld are working on a third edition of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, the "polar bear book". In order to make sure they include the best ideas and examples, they are conducting a series of community surveys. Five surveys have been completed. Many thanks to those of you who took the time to share your thoughts and insights.
Survey 2: Suggestions for the Third Edition >>
Survey 3: Software for IA >>
Survey 4: Input from IA Educators >>
Survey 5: IA Education (for Practitioners) >>
For more information, or to provide additional input, please contact:
Peter Morville, Author
Semantic Studios
109 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA
morville [at ] semanticstudios .com
Louis Rosenfeld, Author
Rosenfeld Media, LLC
213 W. Liberty, Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1398 USA
lou @ louisrosenfeld .com
Beth Koloski, Editorial Assistant
bkoloski @ yahoo .com
This page was last modified on April 24, 2006 05:05 PM.