Inside Education

Featured Partners


Boxes and Arrows is an online journal dedicated to understanding the design of the architecture and structure of digital spaces, and often features articles on the craft of information architecture.

Visit the Member Center for details on partner discounts.


Anyone wishing to learn the craft of information architecture is encouraged to pursue a variety of educational possibilities, including books, internships, practice, online communities, and formal study. Studies of human-computer interaction, library & information science, knowledge management, and social informatics are also relevent to IA training.

IA Careers

A diverse range of Careers are available to those who know understand and apply information architecture practices. We also conduct an annual Salary Survey, which provides compensation information for various roles and a periodic Competency Survey, providing a view of typical skills and experience requirements.

Recommended Reading

Immerse yourself in the field by reading one of our Recommended IA Books.

Schools Teaching IA

Even though information architecture is a young field, Universities have initiated degree programs and classes on both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

IA Curriculum

We provide support for a recommended curriculum for IA courses and programs. Contact Andrea to get involved with the IA Curriculum. Or to learn more about educating IA professionals, read Educating Information Architects from Earl Morrogh's book, Information Architecture: An Emerging 21st Century Profession.

Research and Education Initiative

Thanks to a Progress Grant provided by the IAI to Andrea Resmini, we are working with academic institutions to provide the basis for establishing IA as a full-fledged academic discipline and bridge the two camps of professional practice and academia. Look for our peer-reviewed scientific Journal of Information Architecture, launched in Spring 2009.Contact Andrea to get involved with our Research and Education Group.
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AIIM Certificate Discount

IAI is proud to announce a partnership with AIIM certificate programs offering IAI members a substantial discounts on online programs. Become a Practitioner or Specialist after taking the online exams in one or more of the six online certificate programs. IA Institute members, please contact for your registration code or visit the Member Center "Member Discounts" page by logging in to the Member Center.
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Other Resources

The IA Library provides pointers to some of the best articles, books, blogs, and web sites on the subject.

Our IA Tools section contains document templates, process map posters and other tools used by IA practioners.

The Mentoring Program, a members-only program, matches experienced IA professionals ("mentors") with practitioners, newcomers to the field, students, and anyone interested in being mentored ("protégés").

Finally, don't forget our extensive community of practice. Our IA Network facilitates interaction and collaboration among information architecture practitioners worldwide. Discover opportunities to meet at local group events, major industry conferences and in online communities.

This page was last modified on May 15, 2012 06:06 PM.