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Rosenfeld Media publishes short, practical, and useful books and webinars on user experience design. Their products explain the design and research methods that web professionals need to make informed design decisions. IAI members a discount of 20% off book purchases as well as both live and recorded webinars.

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Schools Teaching IA

Many colleges, universities, and non-profit organizations offer courses in information architecture. Below you can download listings of institutions worldwide that offer courses and full degree programs dedicated to information architecture. These represent offerings at institutions that confer academic degrees and certificates. For commercial course offerings and information about our Webinar Partner program, contact

Please note that this listing is a clearinghouse of IA education programs. In compiling the listings we first included courses and programs that explicitly use "information architecture" or "information design" in the title. For courses not explicitly using these terms, a course was judged to be IA-related if it contained a u it on information architecture or encompassed a digital information design/organization theme and was either noted or recommended by one of our members. The IA Institute has not reviewed these programs and cannot make any recommendations as to the quality of any listed program, but you are free to discuss with other members on our email lists.

If you know of a program or course that fits these criteria but is not listed please contact us. We plan to periodically release updates to these lists.

Volunteer Opportunity

Help us create a more accessible and dynamic course listing. We would like to serve as many website users as possible in locating Information Architecture course and program information, regardless of their location, access to technology and physical abilities. To volunteer with this effort, contact

Download the Full Listings

The following listings were last updated in February 2014:

IA Institute List of IA Courses in Adobe Acrobat format 2014 Program Listing (80.1 kb)

IA Institute List of IA Courses in Microsoft Excel Workbook format 2014 Program Listing (93.7 kb)

2014 Courses and Programs

Courses are displayed below by Country in which it is offered. Courses with online components are noted under country of origin and separately at the bottom of this listing under the heading "Online Courses".

United Kingdom
United States
Online Courses


Charles Sturt University
Master of Information Studies, Specialization in Information Architecture

The Master of Information Studies is designed to reflect the critical importance of information and knowledge management across a wide range of fields and institutions. The course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the creation, evaluation, collection, organisation, utilisation and dissemination of information.

Specialization in Information Architecture aims to equip graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to practice as an information architect, or in allied information professions. The specialisation focuses on the design and development of effective websites and intranets across different organisational contexts. Students choose from a range of subjects that cover all facets of information architecture, providing them with a practical understanding of what makes for an optimal user experience.

Masters in Information Studies contains exit points for a Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate. Online available.

phone: 61 2 6338 6077
Online inquiry form available:

Canberra University
Master of Information Studies, Specialization in Internet Communication (online)

Information Architecture for the Web PG (7606) is a postgraduate course within the Master of Information Studies program. The unit covers user research, navigation and search systems, taxonomies and labelling systems for web sites. It emphasises the goal of facilitating intuitive access to information and task completion by web site users.
(Degree accredited by Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA))

phone: 61 2 6201 5342

University of Queensland
Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design

Why study the Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design?
In the past, computer work was a profession for specialists. Today, and even more so in the future, interaction with electronic devices is a major part of our daily lives. From early childhood onwards we are connected to networks, telecommunications and computer-based technology, therefore the focus of systems design and design in technology consequently is destined to change. These programs train students to understand and solve usability problems.

phone: 61 3 8676 7004 
Online inquiry form available:

University of Queensland
Masters of Interaction Design

Why study the Master of Interaction Design?
In the past, computer work was a profession for specialists. Today, and even more so in the future, interaction with electronic devices is a major part of our daily lives. From early childhood onwards we are connected to networks, telecommunications and computer-based technology, therefore the focus of systems design and design in technology consequently is destined to change. These programs train students to understand and solve usability problems.

phone: 61 3 8676 7004
Online inquiry form available:


Web para Designers
Information Architecture course module

Online course in Portuguese, from the Brazilian company Arteccom, which has a specific module about IA. Very introductory.

phone: 55 21 2253-0596

Canada: Alberta

University of Alberta
Master of Library and Information Studies (or Master of Library & Information Studies/Master of Arts in Humanities Computing)

Information Architecture: Web Design for Usability (not available Winter 2013)
An examination of the principles and practice of web usability, with a focus on information architecture, layout and design, metadata and other topics related to effective web design and management. Includes an introduction to XHTML, CSS and other web coding.

General inquiries:
Contact: Sophia Sherman
phone: (780) 492-4578

Contact: Lauren Romaniuk
phone: (780) 492-4140

Canada: Halifax

Dalhousie University
Master of Information Management

User Experience:
Understanding theories and practices of human-computer interaction is critical to organizational success. This class explores how technology affects human use and examines the process (from conception of an idea to design and evaluation) – with a particular emphasis on web-based activities. The class discusses individual and group information-seeking behaviours in public and private contexts – along with the theories and models of information-seeking behaviour that contribute to a nuanced understanding of the user experience.

Information Systems and Technologies:
This class makes clear the relationship between IT and information management, often misconstrued in organizations. The class includes theories of databases and integrated systems design, allied with practical applications of a wide range of information technologies to support organizational goals. These include traditional intranet and extranet applications, along with emerging web 2.0 technologies. Concepts of information architecture (IA) relating to the design of shared and often web-based information environments (including intranets, databases and online communities) are introduced. The practices of IA are examined through analyses of real organizations and how the information environment can best serve their missions, goals, processes and their clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Contact for Admissions, Registration, and General Inquiries:
Deborah McColl
phone: (800) 205-7510

Canada: London

University of Western Ontario
Master of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Course: Web Design and Architecture
Skills needed to produce a good basic Web site. Concepts of information architecture as they apply to Web site design. Methods of navigation and searching on Web sites. Forms of discourse and text structure suitable to the Web environment. Importance of creating user-centered Web designs and understanding user groups.

Course: Web Usability: Theory and Practice
This course offers an examination of the principles and practice of usability, with a focus on information architecture, usability testing and other topics related to determining the effectiveness of web sites. Students critically review the literature on usability research, learn techniques for usability evaluation, conduct usability tests on web sites and write usability reports.

phone: (519) 661-4017

Canada: Montreal

École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Université de Montréal

École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Université de Montréal has an Information Architecture track (Parcours en architecture de l'information) in its Master in Information Science program as well as an annual summer school on information architecture (École d'été en architecture de l'information). Please note that the information is in French only.


MLIS program:

IA track:

IA summer school (2013 website - Look for the 2014 version soon):

McGill University
Master of Library and Information Studies, Knowledge Management Specialization

Web System Design and Management:
Library & Information Studies: Principles and practices of designing websites in the context of libraries and information centres. The course focuses on a conceptual approach to organizing information for the world wide web including design, implementation and management issues. Topics include web development tools, markup languages, internet security and web server administration.
Database Design and Development:Library & Information Studies: Theoretical and applied principles of relational database design. Includes relational theory, conceptual design, database normalization, relational database management systems, SQL queries and database management.

Contact for Admissions, Registrtaion and General Inquiries:
Kathryn Hubbard

Canada: Toronto

University of Toronto
Master of Information
Information Systems and Design (IS&D) concentration or Knowledge Management and Information Management (KMIM) concentration

Course lectures are divided into three rubrics: Information Design Fundamentals (design principles), Information Architecture Development Process (development methods), and Professional Practice (working as an information architect). An explicitly user-centred (‘bottom-up’) approach to the development process will be taken throughout. At the end of this course, students will be able to differentiate between the various disciplines implicated explicitly or implicitly in the development of information architecture. They will be able to understand and apply basic principles of cognitive psychology, industrial design, systems analysis and human-computer interaction to the practice of information architecture. Student will also learn to apply simple user-centred methods to address information architecture problems in the context of work places and practices. Finally, students will learn to apply information architecture principles and development methods to create and refine an information architecture schema to address an information design problem, and to create a rapid prototype to demonstrate information architecture schemata. The format of the course comprises lectures, reinforced by two assignments, a quiz and a final exam.

Course: Information Management and Systems:

This course examines various notions of information architecture, systems architecture, and organizational architecture, and their inter-relationships and interactions. Examples will be drawn from a wide variety of systems types, including traditional information systems, document management systems, workflow systems, groupware, Internet and intranet systems, enterprise systems, data warehousing, metadata repositories, and intelligent agents. Issues will include dealing with legacy and change, enterprise-wide interoperability and beyond (e.g., e-commerce), convergence of information content and processing, and support for knowledge management. Frameworks and techniques for architectural modeling, analysis, and design will be considered.

Course: System Requirements and Architectural Design

Designing information systems in the face of competing goals from multiple stakeholders, e.g., efficiency, cost, reliability, security, privacy, usability, adaptability, reusability, time-to-market. Systematic techniques and models for identifying and evaluating alternatives. Non-functional requirements and architectural design. Organizing design knowledge for reuse.

phone: (416) 978-3234

University of Toronto-Centennial College
Joint program in New Media Studies
Interface Design, Navigation and Interaction II

Students in New Media can earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree and an Ontario College Certificate while learning from leading academics and professionals. The program focuses on the critical thinking, research, design, and communications skills and experience needed to analyze the impact of media on culture today. Students master the techniques necessary to transform the world in a knowledge-driven society. Graduates take with them a portfolio demonstrating their creative abilities and academic expertise and are ready for careers in any organization requiring creative thinking in media and communication.

Interface design, navigation and interaction II:
Extends work on interface design. Students have opportunities to gain real world experience in the techniques of user interface design. Participants learn to do a requirements document for projects, how to design an interface which meets the needs of the requirements of the document and how to test a design with real world users.



Universidad del Pacífico de Chile
AI+UX Diplomado

Arquitectura de la Información y experiencia del usuario
Área: Comunicaciones
Características Generales: El programa ofrece un programa específico para ambas disciplinas, abordando la teoría y práctica de los elementos más usados en ella, de tal manera de preparar profesionales que puedan desempeñarse adecuadamente en proyectos de Internet, empleando las metodologías más usadas y que mayor éxito aseguran a los proyectos que las incluyen.
Fecha de Inicio: 26 de abril de 2012
Fecha de Término: 11 de agosto de 2012

phone: 28625300 - 28625204-28625321


Aarlborg University
Master in Information Architecture

The master program in Information Technology (Information Architecture) at Aalborg University, Denmark, focuses on communication and interaction through websites, social networks, portals and e-learning systems. As a student, you will learn to design, developed and analyze information systems, while understanding the user, the use context and the technological limitations. This enables you to take part as a design or a project-manager in the design process. Please note, that this master’s programme is offered to international students, and thus, al teachings will be in English.

in Aalborg:
Pia Amtoft
Phone: 9940 9015

Eva Althoff Bengaard
Phone: 9940 3606

in Ballerup:
Lone Nørstad
Phone: 9940 2404


Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Master in Information Architecture

This is the first Information Architecture program in France. It provides students with a strong background in information science, design and computer science. Four specializations are proposed:

  • Information and communication technologies in education,
  • Corporations and institutions,
  • Heritage and culture,
  • Digital Humanities.

More information, including full course description, is available at
The degree is based on three disciplines:
Information Sciences, Web IT, and User Experience



National Institute of Design (NID)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Information and Interface Design

Ahemdabad had been the only specialised design school in India established in 1961, based on the ideology of Bauhaus and Ulm in Germany. NID predominantly was specialized in Industrial design and part of Visual Communication as in Graphic Design, Animation. NID offers Information Design as a 2 year master level course (post-graduate). In India the industry is not mature enough to differentiate between IA and UI design posts. This program focuses on HCI. Interface design is an established thing... with usability at its core. There are lots of overlaps and nobody gives (usually) a separate post as Information Architect. There are a lot of posts for Interface Designers who do the work of IA as well as UxD and usability expert.

Apply online:


University College Dublin
School of Information & Library Studies

Information Architecture: Designing the Web (IS30050)
This module offers an overview of the concepts and practices of information architecture as it relates to the World Wide Web/Internet. Just as traditional architects seek to optimise the effectiveness, efficiency, and usability of living and work spaces, so information architects seek to create information environments that reduce barriers to communication and access, while improving the efficiency and effectiveness for all parties, including organisations and their customers, system designers and users. The focus of this module is on reinforcing best practices for information architecture by analysing, evaluating and developing web site designs.

phone: 353 1 716 7055/7080


Domus Academy
Master of Interaction Design (English)

The Master in I-Design is born from a challenge: to bring into the world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) the originality of the culture of Italian design. The program objective is to train designers the conceptual and practical tools necessary to develop concepts and strategies for the world of ICT

Online inquiry form:
Skype call also possible:

Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Master in Arquitettura dell'Iinformazione

L’architettura dell’informazione è un sapere trasversale il cui obiettivo è organizzare informazioni, servizi e percorsi all’interno di spazi complessi – sia digitali sia fisici – per migliorare l’interazione uomo-informazione e uomo-ambiente

Antonio Catolfi (Università per Stranieri), antonio.catolfi (at)


Pedagogical University
Library and Information Science Institute
Information Architecture: Web Sites Information Management

Postgraduated study in Information Architecture
Topics of study include:
Internet for social communication
On-line services - classification, structure, and evaluation
Search Engine and language information retrieval
Information behaviour for users of information retrieval
Management of project teams
Web design
Graphic design for websites
Usability Information Architecture in IT
Electronic publishing

phone: 012 638 66 86


Malmö Högskolan
Informationsarkitekt (Diploma in Information Architecture)

3 year, programs in Information Architecture leading to diploma in Computer Science or Information Technology

We live today in an information-intensive society. As an information architect will be your task to bring order into the multitude of information flows. At the training you will learn to analyze, organize and integrate information and information flows. Topics covered include information technology, web design, web design, information design, programming, quality, cognitive science, human-computer interaction, project management, information security, and much more. Teaching is based primarily on a project-driven learning, which means that the project work permeates the entire education. Projects are carried out in collaboration with industry, which not only enables the training is constantly updated and modified, but also allows you to back in his student make contacts with the labor market. Study design is intended to give you the opportunity to grow in the ability to work both in groups and independently.

phone: 040-665 76 70

Borås Högskolan
School of Business and IT (Bachelor and Masters programs)
Informationskarkitekt (Bachelor)

School of Business and Informatics includes Information Architecture in its program. The 3 year IA Bachelors degree does not appear to be available at this time.

Online Inquiry Form

United Kingdom

City University, London
MSc course in Human-Centred Systems

Information Architecture is a core module of the MSc course in Human-Centred Systems

Dr Simone Stumpf
Lecturer, Course Director for MSc Human-Centred Systems Centre for HCI Design, School of Informatics City University London
Phone: +44 (0)20 7040 8168

University College London
Master of Science in HCI

Egonomics and HCI Masters programs

phone: 44 (0)20 7679 0686 (x30686)

USA: California

University of California - Berkeley School of Information
PhD and Master of Information Management and Systems

Information design and architecture is one of five areas of concentration in the iSchool's Masters and PhD programs
Possible courses of interest include:
Web Architecture and Information Management
Web Architecture
User Experience Research

phone: 510-642--1464

University of California - Berkeley School of Information
Master of Information and Data Science

The UC Berkeley School of Information (I School) offers the only professional Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) delivered fully online, in a web-based learning environment that blends live, face-to-face classes with online course work. The degree is designed for professionals who want to solve real-world problems using complex and often messy data from clickstreams, transactions, archives, sensors, and beyond.

MIDS will prepare you to apply disciplined, creative methods to define a research question; to gather, store, retrieve, and analyze data; to interpret results; and to convey findings effectively. The multidisciplinary curriculum will expose you to the latest tools and methods for identifying patterns and gaining insights from data.


University of California, Berkeley
102 South Hall #4600
Berkeley, CA 94720-4600

California State - Fullerton
User Experience and Customer-Centered Design Certificate

Cal State Fullerton's Certificate in User Experience and Usability is an affordable, hands-on professional development program focusing on the fundamental elements that comprise User Experience and Usability. Get started with an overview of this industry with the first course, Introduction to User Experience and Usability. This one day course provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the topic and can be taken independently. Scheduled for Saturday, February 12, 2011, you will get an introduction to the varied disciplines, methods and sound business principles that comprise a user-centered design process. Using real-world examples and discussions, the class will examine the make-up and implementation of a user-centered process within an organization.

Contact: Mimi Lawson
phone: 657-278-3313

University of California - Los Angeles, Extension
Advanced Web and Interaction Design Certificate

User Experience Design [X 481.99AF] and User Experience Research [X 481.99C] are part of its Design Communication Arts extension program and is a requirement for the Advanced Web and Interactive Design Certificate.

Contact: Erich Bollmann
phone :310-206-1422

USA: Connecticut

Southern Connecticut State University
Information and Library Sciences Department

Information Architecture
An in depth study of the concepts and practices of information architecture (IA). Students will read the existing literature related to IA and build complex web sites to address issues specific to information and library science based on current best practices.

phone: 1-888-500-SCSU, then press 4
phone: 203-392-5781

USA: Colorado

University of Colorado at Denver & Health Sciences Center
Usability Testing course as part of Graduate Certificate in Technical and Professional Communication

No longer offering Graduate Certificate in Usability Testing and Interface Design

Official Course Description

CMMU 4510-3. Usability Testing. Teaches students how to evaluate technical documentation testing needs, evaluate testing options for their feasibility and costs/benefits, design and carry out a usability testing plan, evaluate and write up test results for actual client documents and products. Cross-listed with CMMU 5510.

phone: 303-860-5610

USA: Florida

Florida State University
School of Library and Information Studies
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies, Information Architecture & Technology program of study
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies:
Master of Science in Information Technology:

Information Architecture & Technology: prepares students to meet the information needs of users by developing and managing information technologies, including web-based resources and networks. Includes specializations in Web Design and Technology & Networking.

phone: 850-644-5775

Florida State University
School of Library and Information Studies
Information Archtiecture Certificate

The FSU School of Library & Information Studies Information Architecture Certificate program prepares information professionals to design, build, and manage a web site as an information resource. This certificate program offers opportunities to enhance skills in areas of web design, web applications, administration, and usability, building on students’ existing knowledge of web technologies.

phone: 850-644-5775

USA: Georgia

Georgia Tech
School of Literature, Communication and Human Culture
Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction

The HCI program's mission is to provide students with the practical, interdisciplinary skills and theoretical understanding they will need to become leaders in the design, implementation and evaluation of the computer interfaces of the future.
Combination of a fixed core set of courses (Human Computer Interface, Engineering Psychology courses, Research Design, Professional Practice Seminar), flexible core courses and specialization courses

Contact: Jessica Celestine, Graduate Program Coordinator, Academic Advisor
phone: 404-385-7205

Georgia Tech
School of Literature, Communication and Human Culture
PhD and Master of Science programs in Digital Media

The Master of Science in Digital Media program at Georgia Tech (formerly known as Information Design and Technology) offers arts and humanities based advanced study in digital media design and critique. The MS program focuses on practical applications of interactive and information design, while the doctoral program explores the social cultural basis of information and knowledge transmission.

LCC participates in Georgia Tech’s Center for Graphics, Visualization, and Usability (GVU). All DM students are invited to join the GVU and to attend the weekly “Brown Bag” Thursday lunches, in which GVU members report on their research. Brown Bag Lunch can be taken as a one-credit course. (Past GVU Brown Bag events can be seen online at

General contact:
phone: 404-894-2601

(more contact information:

Savannah College of Art & Design
B.A., B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A. Degrees and Certificate program in Interactive Design and Game DevelopmentInteraction Design minor

A minor in Interaction Design, includes a class on Information Architecture


Southern Polytechnic State
Master of Science program in Information Design and Communication

The MS IDC degree is a comprehensive online program of study that allows students to master the skills needed to: design information for today's business and technology; use graphics communication technologies effectively; plan, create, and manage business communication projects; design and create content for the web; and plan, design and create instructional systems. The program includes coursework in information architecture, website design and usability testing.

Contact: Graduate Admission:
phone: 678-915-4600

Southern Polytechnic State
Advanced Certificate in User Experience

Created for individuals who already hold an advanced degree in technical communication or an allied field, the Advanced Certificate in User Experience includes coursework in information architecture.
User experience is at the heart of design, communication, and deployment of new products and processes. Your coursework will center on projects that build a portfolio of deliverables you can use to enter or advance in the field of user experience.

You will learn how to:
become the user's advocate;
design communication products that reflect knowledge of how real users work with products;
create products for the Web and other online media, as well as for mobile platforms;
become a content strategist who leads the content creation effort in the companies and organizations you work for;
create information architecture structures that reflect principles of effective navigation and terminology; and
apply skills and knowledge as a business analyst so you can successfully compete for this rapidly growing job opportunity in your field.

Contact: Graduate Admission:
phone: 678-915-4600

Valdosta State University
Master of Library and Information Science

MLIS 7370 Information Architecture: Theory and techniques of designing Web sites for effective information delivery. Study of organization, labeling, navigation, and indexing systems is included.

phone: 229-333-5966

USA: Illinois

DePaul University
College of Computing and Digital Media, School of Computing

Interaction Design and Information Architecture:
Information architecture and interactive page design. Perception and use of menus, labels and user controls. Structuring information for navigation and presentation. Selecting and placing user controls for optimizing task flow on pages and across pages. Creating wire frames and using content managers. (Renamed in 2012 to include Information Architecture in the course title)


Illinois Institute of Technology
Master of Science in Information Architecture

The Master of Science in Information Architecture enhances a technical communication core with specialized concepts, skills and tools for designing, implementing and managing Web sites and related media such as CD-ROMs. This degree provides students with expertise for a number of tasks relevant to mid-level and advanced positions in the workplace: Web site design, Web site project management, information retrieval, knowledge management, usability testing and evaluation.

phone: 312-567-3020
phone: 866-472-3448

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Library and Information Science
Master of Science

The Information Organization and Knowledge Representation cluster contains courses on Information Architecture.

phone: 217-333-3280

USA: Indiana

Indiana University
School of Informatics, Bloomington, IN
Master of Science in HCI

Human-computer interaction (HCI) has traditionally been the domain of engineering and psychology. Here, we approach it from the perspective of design. Our focus goes beyond simply using technology to solve a problem. It is about creating a technology experience that will be functional, intuitive, and even delightful for the people who use it.

The goal of the human-computer interaction design (HCI/d) program is to teach you to think like a designer. Our approach is research-based, but never rigid. Though students follow a highly structured curriculum that prepares them for a professional career, there is plenty of room to pursue individual interests.

During your time here, you will refine your personal design philosophy through course work that:

Teaches you the key history, literature, and research of HCI design (HCI/d)
Introduces you to multiple frameworks, research techniques, and creative exercises
Helps you learn the skills necessary to use and design current and emerging applications
Explores the socioeconomic consequences of implementing technologies in different cultures

Contact: Eli Blevis, Director, Human-Computer Interaction Design Program
phone: 812-360-35330

Indiana University
School of Library and Information Science, Bloomington, IN
Master of Library and Information Science

Information Architecture - Required course
Effective information system design integrates knowledge of formal structures with understanding of social, technological and cognitive environments. Drawing from a range of disciplines, this course investigates how people represent, organize, retrieve and use information to inform the construction of information architectures that facilitate user understanding and navigation in conceptual space.

phone: 812-855-20180

Indiana University
School of Library and Information Science, Bloomington, IN
Master of Library and Information Science

MLIS with a Specialization in Library Technology Management includes the course, Information Architecture for the Web.Focuses on web site development. Students study information architecture as an approach for site organization and design, and learn about project management for complex web development tasks. In lab sessions, students work with advanced markup languages and scripting and develop sites, typically for real clients.

The Dual degree program MLIS/MS in Health Informatics specialization offers an HCI elective. Interesting Note: Indiana's information architecture course is the longest running IA course that we are aware of, with syllabi going back to 2001.

phone: 812-855-20180

USA: Iowa

Iowa State University
Graduate HCI program (Certificate and Masters programs)

The HCI graduate major reflects a broad recognition in academia and industry of the need to train researchers to meet the challenges faced by this rapidly evolving area of technological progress. Quote from a Student:

HCI program @ ISU:
1) Pursue a certificate AND a masters degree simultaneously - It is possible to have a member of the faculty 'sponsor' a student's admission into the masters program while completing the certificate program.
2) In State tuition for out of state students. This is offset by a 'delivery fee' for online classes, which is about $150 per credit hour....
3) No official meeting times - The assignment due dates are set and you may need to meet up with team members.
4) Flexible payments - Iowa State University will allow students to pay their tuition in monthly increments throughout the semester. They charge anywhere from $20-$100 for this, but I think its worth it if your current employer won't provide tuition assistance for a non-degree program, which goes right back to #1. Find a faculty member and apply for degree admission, and next thing you know, your company is paying for both programs!

HCI Graduate Program
1620 Howe Hall
Ames, IA 50011

USA: Maryland

University of Baltimore
Doctor of Information and Interaction Design

This doctoral program requires most of the same courses as the Master's of Information and Interaction Design (see next item). It is housed in the same department and is intended for students who already hold master's degrees related to the humanities and want to apply them in the field of interaction design. The D.S. in Information and Interaction Design requires a minimum of 48 hours of course work beyond an appropriate master's degree. Students are required to take courses covering various aspects of design, business or public sector management, history, economics, and cultural theory. As students move through the program they will specialize in one of the following areas: user research, interaction design for new media, government and public-sector applications, and educational applications.

Contact the UB Office of Admissions at or 410.837.4777 or 1.877.ApplyUB (1.877.277.5982) for more information, or visit

University of Baltimore
Master in Interaction Design and Information Architecture

As a student in this program you will become proficient in specific applications of significant information technologies, well-versed in methods for understanding and structuring human interactions with those technologies, and critically aware of social and cultural implications arising from technological developments.

Contact the UB Office of Admissions at or 410.837.4777 or 1.877.ApplyUB (1.877.277.5982) for more information, or visit

USA: Massachusetts

Bentley College
Master of Science Human Factors in Information Design

Through the Master of Science in Human Factors in Information Design (MSHFID), working professionals learn innovative approaches to product development that integrate the goals of the business and the end-user.

Use form at website or email bentleygraduateadmissions@bentley.edu0

Bentley College
User Experience Certificate

The UX certificate serves a wide range of individuals, including user-experience professionals, usability specialists, product managers, user researchers, marketing specialists, information architects, UI designers, product designers, engineers, and business analysts. 

Gail Wessell, Sr. Program Assistant
781.891.3167 or gwessell@bentley.edu0

Bentley College
User Experience Boot Camp

2013 Date is March 11-15. The week long program highlights the growing importance of the user experience as a strategic business advantage and a point of differentiation in mature or hypercompetitive markets. As a leading business university, Bentley is uniquely positioned to deliver this perspective in a thoughtful and challenging learning experience. The five-day program is organized around five themes:

  • Elements of the user experience
  • User research and market segmentation
  • Design Implementation and innovation
  • Assessment and measurement
  • Process improvement and success metrics

Simmons College, Boston, MA
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS)

Web Development and Information Architecture elective course as part of the Masters of Science degree


USA: Michigan

University of Michigan
School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Science in Information, Library and Information Science Specialization

Information Architecture course is one of several courses of the Library and Information Science specialization for this degree.

The HCI Faculty coordinators are Mark Newman ( and Eytan Adar (

University of Michigan
School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Science in Information, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Specialization

Information Architecture course is required for completion of the HCI specialization for this degree.

The HCI Faculty coordinators are Mark Newman ( and Eytan Adar (

University of Michigan
School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI
STIET - A Multidisciplinary Doctoral Training Program at the University of Michigan and Wayne State University focusing on Incentive-Centered Design

A newer program in incentive-centered design is an interdisciplinary program using game-theory models as the starting point for analyzing strategic interactions. The faculty take a broad view of individual motivations for strategic behavior, drawing on economic, psychological, and sociological theories, and also draw on computer science for the engineering of systems.

For more information, write to 0

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Master of Library and Information Science

SLIS offers the Master of Library and Information Science graduate degree and certificate programs. Course in Information architecture (IA) involves the dissemination of information in a manner that takes into effect context, content, and user. While typically associated with website development, information architecture is also key in technical writing, presentation preparation and report generation. Librarians have been pioneering the practices and developing the core tools of information architecture (IA) for hundreds of years. While it’s true that there is no one official certification process or academic programs for information architects, an ALA-accredited MLIS degree continues to be one of the key credentials for IA practitioners. The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the history and practice of information architecture for the World Wide Web, and to help students to leverage their skills and knowledge in the field of librarianship within the broad context and practice of information architecture.
Competencies Expected: By the end of the course students will be able to:
Understand the basics of optimizing websites for search engine fundability

1. History of Information Architecture
2. Influence of traditional librarianship on the modern practice of information architecture,
3. Roles for IAs in web design / redesign teams,
4. Basics of IA practice
5. Understanding content, context, and users
6. Heuristic evaluation
7. Organization structure, labeling and taxonomies
8. Optimizing search
9. Deliverables

106 Kresge Library
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 577-1825 or (877) 263-2665

USA: New Jersey

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Certificate in Technical Communications Essentials

The Technical Communication Essentials Graduate Certificate prepares students to communicate in rapidly changing technology fields. Students gain skills and knowledge in technical writing and editing, documentation, content management, and web-based training. Includes a course on Content Management and Information Architecture, available on site and online.

New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, New Jersey 07102
(973) 596-3000

Rutgers University
Mini-MSE in User Experience Design

The Mini-Masters in User Experience Design (UXD), art of the continuing studies curricula, teaches you how to design easy-to-use, engaging, and valuable interfaces that help users efficiently and effortlessly complete their tasks. The course provides an immersive, hands-on experience on how and where the User Experience Design (UXD) fits within business, IT, and development. It explains the underlying psychology and sociology that guides user design, and demonstrates common techniques for making an interface usable.

Contact information for Continuing Education offerings at Rutgers University:
Email us your questions:
Telephone: 732-932-7323
Fax: 732-932-7164
Address: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Division of Continuing Studies
attn: Assistant Director of Enrollment Services
303 George Street, Ste. 610 - C
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

Rutgers University
Masters of Business in Science

CURRENT: User Experience Design concentration does not contain a specific course called Information Architecture, but the term Information Architecture is a major topic in the description of the concentration:

The objective of the Master of Business and Science with a concentration in User Experience Design (UXD) is to train students in the essential skills of designing engaging, easily learned and usable computer-based interfaces whether they be web pages, mobile phones or lawnmowers. Students will learn the current methods and practices involved in gathering user information, creative designing, prototyping and testing a wide range of interface media. The program will also give students a basic understanding of human computer interaction (HCI) and the underlying psychology, communication and sociology theory that guides design plus training in visual design principles. Portfolio preparation is a key element of the program as are current interface design techniques such as building personas, using design patterns, content management, information architecture, card sorting, online usability testing, eyetracking and workflow analysis. A key difference between this program and most other UXD masters degrees that are offered is its second focus on the business side of design. Students will learn project management, accounting, marketing, business communication, creating a business plan and financial decision making. This will enable graduates to move into roles managing user experience design, establishing a consultancy that provides UXD support or launching a new enterprise in which the product is primarily UX design-based.

Concentration Coordinators:
Dr. Marilyn M. Tremaine
Contact Form:

USA: New York

Pratt School of Information and Library Science
Master of Science in Library and Information Science

Courses available in Information Architecture and the Usability of Digital Information. The MILS concentration in Cultural Informatics focuses on research in usability, human computer interaction, cultural heritage description and access, and digital archives and libraries in global information environments.
The 3-year dual-degree MSLIS/MFA Digital Arts prepares students to work at the intersection of digital arts and information, to use digital tools for the design, organization and preservation of digital art and cultural objects and to create digital and virtual environments for cultural and educational institutions.

Professor Craig MacDonald
Pratt Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
BS in Communications

The School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences includes a course on Information Architecture in its Communications B.S. program
This course examines theoretical and empirical issues in the field of Information Architecture, aiming to identify and utilize principles of information organization, collect and interpret empirical data on human information behavior, and develop and apply methods of information design all in the service of creating usable architectures of information. Focus is on developing experience for professional information architecture projects. Requires basic knowledge of Web design.

Mailing Address:
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: 518-276-6575

Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies
Nancy Campbell
Phone: (518) 276-6065

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Master of Science in HCI

Rensselaer's approach to human-computer interaction differs from other HCI programs by being centered in communication rather than computer science. While the program will provide HCI implementation skills, the focus is on understanding and addressing basic problems in human-technology interaction, including the support of social interaction. Students will learn about cutting edge areas of HCI research through advanced seminars. They will leave the program with a portfolio-ready final project that demonstrates the integration of the skills they've acquired in the program.

Department Inquiry:

For more information, or to apply online, visit Rensselaer’s Graduate Admissions website at

School of Visual Arts
Master of Fine Arts in Interaction Design

The MFA in Interaction Design program trains students to research, analyze, prototype, and design concepts in their business, social, and cultural contexts. Today, business success depends on the presence of a well-designed, engaging experience, and the new MFA in Interaction Design program explores the strategic role of interaction design in shaping everyday life. Dot Dot Dot lecture series is open to the public covering current topics in Interaction Design.

MFA Interaction Design
School of Visual Arts
136 West 21 Street
New York, New York
Tel: 212-592-2703
Fax: 212-592-2135

Liz Danzico, Founder and Chair

State University of New York Oswego
Multimedia/Hypermedia Design and Authoring

Contains an introduction to IA This course focuses on the design and authoring techniques of multimedia and hypermedia. The World Wide Web is an example of a hypermedia system which is becoming dynamic. Multimedia and hypermedia link text, sound, graphics, and video information together in a non-linear fashion. Techniques to organize and access personal, course, and business information (such as tying together papers, citations, and databases), designing and developing hypermedia and multimedia applications will be explored.

Instructor: Dr. Youngok Choi
Office: 108 Snygg Hall
Telephone: (315) 312-2684

Syracuse University
Master of Science in Information Management
Master of Science in Information Management Executive Program

The MSIS contains course on Information Architecture for Internet Services


USA: Ohio

Kent State University
Master of Science and Certificates in Knowledge Management, User Experience Design and Health Informatics

IAKM offers an graduate program in user experience design (including information architecture and usability), health informatics, and knowledge management through an interdisciplinary Master of Science program, certificates and online courses. Basic and Advanced courses on Information Architecture, as well as special topic courses in IA, seminars, independent study and internships are offered. Available on site and online.

Mailing Address
Information Architecture and Knowledge Management
Kent State University
314 Library
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242-0001

Phone and Email
Phone: 330.672.5840
Fax: 330.672.2118

USA: Oregon

The University of Oregon, Eugene
Applied Information Management (AIM) master of science degree

Designed to give mid-career professionals relevant skills in information management, information design, business management, and applied research that can be used immediately on the job. Courses like Information Design and Communication and Managing Information Assets cover IA topics such as information organization, presentation, improving understanding, findability, etc.

Mailing address:
1277 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1277
Contact: 541-346-4231, 800-824-2714, or

USA: Pennsylvania

Carnegie Mellon University
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Master of HCI and Undergraduate major in HCI

The Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University offers a professional Master of Human-Computer Interaction degree. The pprogram is known by the software and technical industries for its interdisciplinary nature, rigor and deep knowledge in Computer Science, Psychology and Design. It is a two year masters degree set into a twelve month duration. During their first semester, students learn core knowledge in programming, design, psychology and HCI methods. During their second and third semesters the students can choose any electives across the University, while they participate in a substantial industry capstone project with an external client.

General information:
Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
Fax: 412.268.1266

Director: Justine Cassell
For information about the Ph.D. program

For information about the Masters program

For information about the undergraduate program

Carnegie Mellon University
School of Design
Master of Design in Interaction Design

Our model of designing for interaction involves multi-disciplinary teams engaged in the planning, conception, design, implementation, and support of products, services, and systems that meet human needs and desire. This human-centered model, with a concern for psychological, social, and cultural factors on the one hand, and technical and economic factors on the other, was pioneered at Carnegie Mellon and is now widely embraced as a design standard around the world. The School of Design programs puts more emphasis on visual/aesthetic aspects of interaction design (more like an MFA, usually a strong portfolio and BFA is required to get in) whereas the HCII program focuses equally on strategic, research, design and implementation aspects of product development.

For undergraduate information

For graduate programs
Interaction Design (IxD), email

Carnegie Mellon University
School of Design
Master of Design in Communication Planning and Information Design

The Master of Design in Communication Planning and Information Design (CPID) is a two-year professional degree program for students who want to explore:

  • Communication design and strategy
  • Communication planning related to contemporary social and political issues
  • Information design
  • The creative potential of the interplay between words and images in traditional and innovative media

With the broader view of the information landscape that’s now possible, designers are expected to tackle the planning of complex communication systems, and to take increasing responsibility for the verbal as well as the visual aspects of their work. This program explores the need to convey more complex information to a greater variety of audiences and therefore, encompasses all the disciplines required for the conception, planning, production, and delivery of effective communication.
The School of Design and the Department of English offer this unique program jointly.

For undergraduate information

For graduate programs
Communication Planning and Information Design (CPID), email

University of Pittsburgh
Master of Library and Information Science

The iSchool offers a course on Information Architecture as part of its Digital Libraries specialization. This course is not being offered this spring 2013.

For more information about this specialization, please contact our Student Recruitment Coordinator at or 412-648-3108.

USA: South Dakota

Dakota State University
Bachelor of Science in Digital Arts & Design
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems

The course Information Architecture is required for the Web Design & Production Specialization of the DAD degree and for the Multimedia/Web Design Minor and is an elective for the Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems. This course is currently only offered in the Spring.

Contact the Office of Extended Programs
For information request:
(605) 256-5049
Toll-Free: 800-641-4309
Fax: 605-256-5095

Mailing Address
Dakota State University
Office of Extended Programs
Tunheim Classroom Bldg
820 N Washington Ave.
Madison, SD 57042

USA: Texas

University of Texas at Austin
The School of Information
Master of Science in Information Studies

Degree in Information Studies with focus on IA. Two courses specifically focusing on Information Architecture and others on Information Retrieval, Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web.

General Information:

Tel: 512-471-3821
Fax: 512-471-3971

The University of Texas at Austin School of Information
1616 Guadalupe Suite #5.202
Austin, TX 78701-1213

Information Architecture and Design Instructor:
Fleming Seay
(512) 471-3701

USA: Washington, DC

Catholic University of America
School of Library and Information Science

Course of Study in Information Architecture This programs highlights develop and apply classification systems and database schemas, business processes and workflows to manage complex data sets and information resources. Their work often involves researching, acquiring and integrating diverse datasets. They design and evaluate information environments that are as varied as shopping sites, web portals, databases, search engines and directories, online financial services, social media sites, online communities and mobile (PDA) applications.
Information architecture draws on many fields, including library science, computer science, social informatics, information design, visual design, and engineering psychology (Morrogh, 2003, p. 5). The IA course of study reflects this diversity.

The School of Library and Information Science
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave., N.E
Washington, DC 20064
Phone: 202-319-5085
Fax: 202-319-5574

USA: Washington

Washington State University
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital Technology and Culture

The Creative Media & Digital Culture Program offers a major and a formal minor program of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital Technology and Culture. One of the learning goals of this program is:
5.Identify and explain key principles of information architecture, effectively manage knowledge for both information retrieval and archival purposes, and evaluate and choose appropriate information architecture and knowledge management strategies for a given situation. The course that best addresses this goal is Electronic Research and the Rhetoric of Information

The Academic Advisor, Teresa Phimister, can assist with general university requirements and can be reached at 360-546-9664, The Program Director, Dr. Dene Grigar, can provide guidance with specific program information, courses, and career advice at 360-546-9487,

The University of Washington iSchool
Master (MLIS and MSIM)

The Masters programs offer IA courses.

Master of Library and Information Science
The MLIS program prepares students to become leaders in the library and information world. Equipped with a keen understanding of the uses and users of information, graduates use their knowledge and determination to lead in a world where information is increasingly the most important commodity.

Master of Science in Information Management
The MSIM program prepares students for careers in data management and transfer, business intelligence, information assurance and security, and information system design. Graduates gain critical analytical and management skills necessary to lead the complex information-intensive projects most organizations struggle with in the information age.

UW Information School
Box 352840 - Mary Gates Hall, Ste. 370
Seattle, WA 98195-2840

Prospective Students

The University of Washington iSchool
Bachelor of Science in Informatics

Information Architecture is a primary area of study for the Bachelor of Science in Informatics. 16-20 additional credits in Information Architecture are required beyond the Informatics core courses to complete the degree in this specialization

The Informatics program allows students to develop the skills and knowledge to design, build, implement, and secure information systems. As they explore rewarding careers as business analysts, user experience designers, information architects, and product managers, they move organizations and society forward.

UW Information School
Box 352840 - Mary Gates Hall, Ste. 370
Seattle, WA 98195-2840

Prospective Students

Knowledge Management Institute
The Certified Knowledge Specialist – Information Architecture

The Master Class for Information Architecture

KM Institute
1414 Wynhurst Lane
Suite 300
Vienna, Virginia 22182 (USA)

USA: Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Library and Information Studies
Information Architecture
Browse Courses

LIS 861 Information architecture: Covers how traditional library science concepts such as organization of information and users and uses apply to web design, and examines the basics of usability, navigation, project planning, project management, web evaluation, and ongoing web information system management.

School of Library and Information Studies
Room 4217
Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-2900
Contact us at:

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
School of Information Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology

Information Architecture is one of three areas of focus in teh IST BS degree. Offers the courses, Information Architecture I, II and III, as part of its degree program. Learn how information is retrieved, organized, manipulated, repackaged and applied in nearly every aspect of our increasingly digital culture and economy. The Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology immerses students in information science; information architecture; information organization, storage and retrieval; and applications of the Internet.

General Information
Off campus: (414) 229-1122
On campus: Dial 0
Mailing Address
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
[Department/Unit Name]
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Contact Form:

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
School of Information Studies
Master of Library and Information Science

Offers the course, Information Architecture and Knowledge Organization, as part of its degree program.A course within the Information Organization concentration prepares students for careers in cataloging, indexing, metadata work, or archival organization in a wide variety of settings, including libraries, archives, museums, private corporations, government agencies, and other organizations; the Information Organization (IO) Concentration provides a way for students to formally focus their studies on information organization within the context their MLIS degree program and its requirements.
717 Information Architecture and Knowledge Organization. 3 cr. G.
Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of information architecture, with focus on designing user-centered organization, labeling, navigation, search, metadata, and knowledge organization systems for web sites. Prereq: grad st; L&I Sci 511(531) (P).

Phone: (414) 229-4707
Fax: (414) 229-4848

Online Courses

OnlineCertification programs in Electronic Records Management, Enterprise Content Management, Taxonomy and Metadata, etc.

The Architecture/Systems module of the CIP Certification includes training in Information Architecture, which AIIM defines as follows:

Information Architecture
A broad term that applies to the activities associated with the structural design and organization of information and data. Includes classification schemas, metadata management, navigation systems, and labeling to support findability and user experience.

Includes free preparation videos on IA.

Discounts for IA Institute Members: Contact for details

University of California - Berkeley School of Information
Master of Information and Data Science

The UC Berkeley School of Information (I School) offers the only professional Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) delivered fully online, in a web-based learning environment that blends live, face-to-face classes with online course work. The degree is designed for professionals who want to solve real-world problems using complex and often messy data from clickstreams, transactions, archives, sensors, and beyond.

MIDS will prepare you to apply disciplined, creative methods to define a research question; to gather, store, retrieve, and analyze data; to interpret results; and to convey findings effectively. The multidisciplinary curriculum will expose you to the latest tools and methods for identifying patterns and gaining insights from data.


University of California, Berkeley
102 South Hall #4600
Berkeley, CA 94720-4600

University of Canberra
Master of Information Studies (online)

Information Architecture for the Web PG (7606). This is a course that equips students to create a logical architecture for the information on a web site; use research methods to better understand the environment within which a web site will be created or revised; discuss the principles of Information Architecture and its benefits to organisation/audience communication; construct content hierarchies and categories, label web content for optimal discovery and implement optimal navigation systems; use appropriate diagramming techniques to communicate an IA design to all stakeholders.

University of Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia, Switchboard +61 2 6201 511

UC Bruce Campus
Full/Part Time, Online - Convener: Dr Sally Burford (Ph: +61 2 6201 5958)
Online Courses

Charles Sturt University
Master of Information Studies

The Master of Information Studies offers specialisations in Information Architecture that aims to equip graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to practice as an information architect, or in allied information professions. The specialisation focuses on the design and development of effective websites and intranets across different organisational contexts. Students choose from a range of subjects that cover all facets of information architecture, providing them with a practical understanding of what makes for an optimal user experience.

Within Australia: Call 1800 334 733
International: +61 2 6338 6077
Fax: (02) 6338 6001
Online Enquiry:

Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA
Online MLIS with a concentration on Management of Digital Information

INFO 658 Information Architecture - 3.00 credits
Introduces fundamental concepts, methods and theories in Information Architecture for virtual, physical, and hybrid worlds. Focuses on organization, representation, and navigation of conceptual space. Topics include foundations, Web design, cognitive aspects, search, interaction design, knowledge organization, and user experience.

Phone: (877) 215-0009
Fax: (215) 895-0525

Mailing your application or other supporting documents to:

Drexel University Online
Attn: Applicant Services
P.O. Box 34729
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Fax: (215) 895-0525
Online Courses

The University of Illinois
Information Architecture course

LEEPprogram, though they're more library science than information architecture. IA is covered in their Strategic Information Management course, a recommended course for the Certificate in Community Informatics specialization

For information about the Community Informatics program, contact Sharon Irish at

General Inquiries:
Contact the GSLIS admissions officer with questions about the program or the admissions process: (800) 982-0914 or (217) 333-7197, or see the Admissions section of our website.

The Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street, MC-493, Champaign, IL 61820-6211 USA
voice: (217) 333-3280, fax: (217) 244-3302

Iowa State University
Graduate HCI program (Online Masters programs)

The Online HCI MS degree program beginning in Fall 2008 semester was created from the growing demand from business and industry for a masters program that provides education in the field of Human Computer Interaction. Students are required to come to campus to present the capstone project. Curricula includes courses in Computational Implementation and Prototyping, User Interface Implementation for Web Application, Organizational and Social Implications of HCI, and Design, Implementation & Implications.

Contact Pam Shill at with questions about your admission status.

Attn: Pam Shill
Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program
Iowa State University
1620 Howe Hall
Ames, IA 50011

Kent State University
MS in User Experience, Health Informatics and Knowledge Management

The User Experience, Knowledge Management and Health Informatics programs are now available entirely online. UXD addresses the structural, informational, psychological and emotional aspects of what makes a successful user interface, whether it’s web, mobile, tablet or any other device.

Mailing Address
Information Architecture and Knowledge Management
Kent State University
314 Library
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242-0001

Phone and Email
Phone: 330.672.5840
Fax: 330.672.2118

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Certificate in the Practice of Technical Communications

Includes a course on Content Management and Information Architecture, available on site and online

New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, New Jersey 07102
(973) 596-3000
Online request form:
Information Design courses

The Information Design Program is designed to provide foundational training in the core information design disciplines of writing, graphic design and human factors design. User interface analysis, user interface design and usability testing courses

Course queries or information:

Mailing address:
Suite 112
2-2026 Lanthier Drive
Orleans ON K4A 0N6
Fax: 206-237-2026

San Jose State University
Masters in Library and Information Science

The Web Programming and Information Architecture career pathway concentrates on the theories and supporting techniques related to the design, building, and management of Web-based information systems. These include:

Design and development of user-centered information systems in a variety of information environments
User interactions with information structures
User interactions with other users
Web applications
Web site design and content creation
Web based programming languages

Students in this career path will develop skills and expertise to improve the user's experience when interacting with Web-based systems. Work in information systems and design requires more than just the acquisition of a practical skill set. It is the ability to tailor technology to various information communities. It also requires knowledge of the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of the audience as prerequisites to building any information resource.

San José State University
School of Library and Information Science
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0029
Phone: (408) 924-2490
Fax: (408) 924-2476

Online Inquiries:

San Jose State University
Masters in Library and Information Science

The Information Organization career pathway focuses on:

  • How information is sought, evaluated and used
  • How information can best be structured and indexed to meet these needs
  • The organization and description of resources and files in all formats
  • What kinds of tools are needed for retrieval

Work in this area requires understanding of both existing standards for organization and description and intentionally non-standardized systems such as social tagging. Technology is an important dimension because of the variety of technologies in use today for creating and storing documents. Because the ability to retrieve documents depends upon the way they have been organized and described, a thorough understanding of search and retrieval using a variety of technologies is also important. Work in this field requires a well-balanced understanding of information agencies, management, and user perspectives as a framework for determining appropriate organization and description. A critical understanding of the social effects of decisions made at the technical level and the ethics of metadata creation is essential.

San José State University
School of Library and Information Science
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0029
Phone: (408) 924-2490
Fax: (408) 924-2476

Online Inquiries:

South University
MS Information Systems & Technology w/ Concentration in Information Architecture and Design

Information Architecture is where you will learn to express a model or concept for information. This refers to the back end of the system and supporting infrastructure. Example: Company A needs a system that would track cargo and people traffic – Information Architects will build the appropriate network infrastructure, and will set the database up.

Interaction and Usability Studies is where you will learn methods of measuring usability and the principles behind an object's efficiency. Example: For Company A's system, a usability study will look into what the employees need and how they interact with the machines, and will provide a usable interface that will not frustrate the workers, with easy access to all functions.

Note from IAI: this program appears to define IA from the standpoint of backend enterprise systems architecture, rather than IA as introduced by the Polar Bear Book; however the focus on interaction and usability studies indicates an expanded understanding of IA and user experience beyond WWW development.

Call 1-888-444-3404 or use the Online Request form:

University of Wisconsin

Master of Science in Data Science (Online)

Designed with an understanding that organizations in virtually every industry need qualified professionals with the skills to transform big data into big insights and better decisions, the UW Master of Science in Data Science program will teach you how to clean, organize, analyze, and interpret unstructured data, deriving knowledge and communicating your discoveries clearly to stakeholders using sophisticated visualization techniques and other means.

Contact Information: 
5602 Research Park Blvd, Suite 303
Madison Wi, 53719


Current students can email:

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Flexible Option)

Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology (IST)

Offered by the UW-Milwaukee School of Information Studies (SOIS), this degree program immerses students in information science; information architecture; information organization, storage and retrieval; and applications of the Internet. This is the only IST degree program of its type in the state of Wisconsin. Focusing on a core set of IST competencies, students are encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge through a personally created degree plan built to match their career goals.

Contact Information: 
Flexible Option Enrollment Team
UW-Extension–Continuing Education, Outreach & E-Learning
5602 Research Park Blvd., Suite 303
Madison, WI 53719

Online Flex Fit Self-Evaluation:


Rutgers University
Masters of Information

Information means more than knowledge, it means solutions. When technology, people and information intersect, society and industry benefit. You can harness the power of information with our online Master of Information degree.

The Master of Information degree adds versatility in curriculum and professional opportunities. Our 36 credit program integrates theory and practice, preparing you for the workplace. To meet your unique interests and career goals, an advisor will help you choose courses from among our concentrations, or you can opt for a general MI program.

Please contact an enrollment coach by calling 1-866-935-3024, ext 2106

This page was last modified on February 28, 2014 09:31 PM.