Networking Guide

IA Networking Guide (PDF)
We have created a networking guide to help people interested in the field of IA and IAI members answer questions about...

  • Who practices IA?
  • What's behind local groups?
  • How do IA pros network and collaborate?
  • What initiatives are currently running?
  • How can I join in the initiatives?
  • What's the workflow of the translation initiative for example?
  • How do existing Tools and platforms support me in network and collaboration?

[download] PDF Document

Geolocate IAs

Our Geolocate Map is currently down for maintenance, we're developing a new map for 2010. Our member directory will allow you to view current members and search for location. Also visit our Local Groups page to see where you can network with IAs in your area (or where you're visiting.)

This page was last modified on April 24, 2008 03:57 PM.