Networking Guide

IA Networking Guide (PDF)
We have created a networking guide to help people interested in the field of IA and IAI members answer questions about...

  • Who practices IA?
  • What's behind local groups?
  • How do IA pros network and collaborate?
  • What initiatives are currently running?
  • How can I join in the initiatives?
  • What's the workflow of the translation initiative for example?
  • How do existing Tools and platforms support me in network and collaboration?

[download] PDF Document

Discuss IA

Information architecture professionals tend to be opinionated and gregarious, especially on internet discussion forums where they can ask and answer questions, learn about upcoming conferences and F2F meetings.

One of the primary programs at the IA Institute is providing email discussion lists for our members. Our members-only discussion list is a great way to make connections with fellow IA pros as well as ask questions, get answers, and have a more in-depth discussion thread. This moderated and private list allows discussion to more focused while our meta list allows members to weigh in IAI issues and get involved in activities. These lists are a benefit to IAI members and a great reason to join the IA Institute.

We also provide open discussion lists to the public as well as free resources such as the monthly IAI newsletter and job board postings digest. Open lists include special topics in IA such as UX management and Enterprise IA as well lists for local groups like the Australia New Zealand list and Português-Brazilian mailing list.

Learn more about our IAI Member Email Lists.

Discussion lists are volunteer initiatives so if you would like to volunteer to host a topic, local group discussion list please write to to set up your list. We are also actively seeking volunteers to help us develop a new and better discussion list interface or create new channels of communication for our members, if you are interested please write to volunteer

The IA Institute lists are only a few of the many places that IA pros are getting together online to discuss IA. Our members also participate with a number of discussion lists and blogs hosted by related organizations and affinity groups. Here is a small sample of online communities which in turn link to many other resources.

This page was last modified on August 9, 2008 03:43 PM.