Inside Local Groups
Local Groups
What is a Local IA Group?
A Local IA Group is any consistently coordinated, regional gathering where people discuss topics related to information architecture. Local IA Group meetings may be held in a variety of formats and can range in size, frequency and level of formality. Some gatherings, like an IA Cocktail Hour or IA Salon, may be just a casual get-together where interested people show up at a specified location as their schedule permits. Others may involve a more formal meeting with an arranged guest speaker or presentation. All kinds of local IA Groups can be beneficial for networking, sharing specific IA problems or concerns or just fostering a greater sense of community.
> Local Groups Directory
> Frequently asked questions about local IA groups
> Local Groups Coordinator Survey (2009)
What support does IAI provide Local IA Groups?
The IA Institute can provide web hosting for your local group website, one-on-one coaching for group leaders, and event management support via Basecamp. Your group will be listed in the Local IA Group Directory and can post meeting information on our calendar. Also, the Networking Guide has tips for planning, and the Member Center directory is a great way to find IAI members in your region.
> Networking Guide
> Member Center
To request support, contact
Start and Promote Your Group
Local IA Groups have been started by people in many communities around the world. You don't have to be an IA guru to start your own group; all it takes is a little time and an interest in discussing IA related topics.
> Tips for starting and promoting your own group
UX Book Clubs
Want to geek out on UX books with your peers? Check out the UX Book Clubs in your city as well.
This page was last modified on December 6, 2011 05:56 PM.