Inside Mentoring
Choose a Mentor
If you are interested in having a mentor, we can help you find a mentor(s) whose interests and experiences match what you are looking for. Please read What to Expect from a mentor or protégé and our sample Mentor Agreement to understand the commitment involved.
If you are unsure of what you're looking for or who you should contact, contact our Mentoring Coordinator who will help define your goals and make introductions to appropriate mentors.
We ask that both mentors and protégés please fill out our Mentor Program Survey to participate in the Mentoring Program:
To view list of available mentors, you will need to log into the Member Center. A list of available mentors is located under the Mentoring dropdown at the top of the page. If you are already logged in, you can Sign In to the Member Center to access the Available Mentors page. This action requires member login.
This page was last modified on June 8, 2012 11:57 AM.