Local Group Directory

Below is a listing of IA Institute Local Groups and official local group partners. To add your group to the list or for information about starting a group in your area, contact the Local Groups Leader.

We now have a Meetup group located at http://www.meetup.com/iainstitute/ and have the capability of adding cities to share this group. If you would like to add your local group to this account, contact our development manager, Bev Corwin.


Buenos Aires
An IA group is forming in Buenos Aires.
Founded in 2012
Contact: gonzalo.auza@inter-cultura.com


Canberra IA Cocktail Hour
Twitter: @iacanberra
Founded in 2002
Regular meetings on the last Thursday of the month. Format is usually a
presentation, chat and often dinner. Details via Twitter.
Contact: Andrew Boyd at facibus@gmail.com

Sydney IA Peers
Monthly meetings - discussion & drinks
Contact: Eric Scheid at eric@ironclad.com.au


Rio de Janeiro
UX Rio
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1925229
Twitter: @uxrio
Founded in 2009
Owner: Monica M Fernandes
Managers: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

São Paulo
São Paulo IA Group
Founded in 2007
Contact: Carolina Leslie at www.lulileslie.com


UX Quebec
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6725331238

Toronto, ON
Tronto UX Irregulars
Website: http://uxirregulars.org/
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/UXIrregulars
Founded in 2005


An IA group is forming in Cairo with professors affiliated with Cairo University and the American, French and German Universities in Cairo.
Founded in 2012
Contact: Perihan ElBaz at perihanm@hotmail.com


UX Paris
Founded in 2008
Contact: Sylvie Daumal at sylvie.daumal@gmail.com


Berlin IA Cocktail Hour
Website: http://berliniacocktailhour.blogspot.com/
Founded in 2007
Occasional meetings; blog
Presentations and Meetings at bars; average active membership 20-30
Contact: Jan Jursa at jan.jursa@gmail.com
or Sabine Stössel at stoessel@ubibene.de

IA Cocktail Hour Frankfurt/Main
Founded in 2008
Occasional meetings; networking site
Presentations and Meetings at bars; average active membership 20-30
Website: http://ia-ffm.mixxt.de/
Contact: Norbert Hadwiger at norbert at nh@nohad.com
or Wolf Nöding at wolf.noeding@iavoice.com


IAI Jakarta
Founded: 2011
Contact: Isnaeni.Achdiat@id.ey.com


Founded: 2013
Board: http://www.architecta.it/architecta/il-direttivo-di-architecta/


Name of Group: Iran IA
Location: Tehran, Iran
Website: http://uxiran.com
Facebook: http://fb.com/uxiran
Twitter: @uxiran
Contact: Parham Baghestani, parhamb@gmail.com


IAAJ: Information Architecture Association Japan
Website: http://www.iaaj.org/
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/120054384736086/
Founded 2002
Sponsors annual IA Summit Redux and informal cocktail hours
Contact: Atsushi Hasegawa at hase@concentinc.jp

The Netherlands

UX Cocktail Hours Amsterdam
Yahoo! Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UXCocktailHoursAmsterdam/
Founded in 2001
Bi-monthly presentations at bars and offices usually with sponsored drinks and snacks; average active membership 25-50
Contact: Peter Boersma at peter@peterboersma.com

UX Panama
Website: http://www.uxpanama.net/
Google Groups: http://groups.google.com/group/lista-ux-panama?pli=1


Website: http://www.iroai.org
Twitter: @iroai
Institutul Roman de Arhitectura Informatiei
Fondat in 2008
Contact: Bogdan Stanciu at iroai.org@gmail.com

South Africa

South Africa UX Forum
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/sa-ux-forum?pli=1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2750787123
Officers: Damian Dplanet Stephens, Jason Hobbs, Philip Barrett
Founded in 2007


Turkey IA Group
Monthly meetings and local events
Phone: +90 212 290 76 61
Contact: emrah.yayici@uxservices.com

United Kingdom

UX Brighton
Website: http://uxbrighton.org.uk/
Twitter: @uxbri

London-IA Yahoo! Group
Yahoo! Group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/london-ia/
Contact: Claire Rowland claire@usefulinc.com or Kate Simpson kate@tangledom.com

United States

Atlanta, GA
Atlanta IA Meetup Group (now IxDA Atlanta)
Website: http://www.ixda.org/local/ixda-atlanta
Founded in 2006
Bi-monthly meetings and happy hours
Contact: Maria Cordell at mcordell@gmail.com

Austin, TX
Austin IA Group
Founded in 2007
Contact: Mike Steckel at MSteckel@gmail.com

Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Parlay: A Gathering for Baltimore User Experience People
Ning Group: http://baltimoreparlay.ning.com/
Founded in 2009

Charlotte, NC
Charlotte User Experience Meetup Group
Website: http://www.charlotteux.org/
Founded in 2010
Organizer: Berman Painter

Chicago, IL
Chicago Content Strategists
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Content-Strategists/
This montly meetup is for anyone who cares about Web/interactive-based content--editors, content strategists, writers, content managers, translators, communicators, and information architects, to name a few.
Founded in 2009
Contact: Kristen Groh

Cincinnati, OH
Greater Cincinnati Tri State Area
Website: http://www.meetup.com/iainstitute/
Founded in 2009
Contact: Bev Corwin at office@bevcorwin.com

Cleveland, OH
User Experience in Northeast Ohio
Founded in 2010

Grand Rapids, MI
IXDA Grand Rapids
Founded in 2012

Houston, TX
Houston Experience Design
Founded in 2011
Contact: Austin Govella at austin.govella@gmail.com

Northern Indiana/Illinois
Founded in 2008
Contact: Christopher Kosovich at chris@kosovich.com

Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles IA Meetup Group
Website: http://ia.meetup.com/55/
Founded in 2007
Contact: Chris Chandler at chris.chandler@gmail.com

Madison, NJ
Northern NJ IA Meetup Group
Website: http://ia.meetup.com/54/
Founded in 2007
Contact: Bruce Esrig at esrig@alumni.princeton.edu

Twin Cities UX Meetup
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/TC-UX-Meetup/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/127362964865/
Meets monthly
Organizers: Bill Dorman, Keith Dvorak

New York, NY
NYC IA Meetup Group
Founded in 2003
Monthly meetups at cafes and bars
Contact: Anders Ramsay at andersr@gmail.com

New York, NY
Twitter hashtag posting upcoming UX events in NYC
Contact: Michele Marut on twitter @MicheleMarut

Philadelphia, PA
Website: http://phillychi.acm.org/
Meets once a month to network and discuss current topics in HCI.
Contact: Crystal Kubitsky at phillychi@gmail.com

Raleigh/Durham, NC
Triangle UXPA
Website: http://triupa.org/
Triangle UXPA is a local chapter of the Usability Professionals Association, hosts monthly cocktail hours and annual World Usability Day activities. Watch for upcoming full-day workshops on user research, sketching for design, and documentation/wireframe best practices.
Founded in 2005
Contact: Triangle UXPA Email Form

Richmond, VA
RUX Monthly Meetup

Website: richmondux.com
Meetup: http://meetup.com/RichmondUX/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=107385
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RichmondUX
Contact: info@richmondux.com
Founded in 2008

Rochester, NY
IA/UX Rochester
Linkedin group: http://linkd.in/IAUXROC
Meetup: http://meetup.coworkingrochester.com/
Founded in 2012
Contact: iauxroc@gmail.com

San Francisco, CA
Founded in 2003
Contact: info@baydux.org

Seattle, WA
Seattle Asis&t PNW & IA Meetup
Founded in 1978
Meets 2nd Thursdays at Elysian Pub on Capitol Hill 7-9 pm
Contact: Aaron Louie ajlouie@gmail.com or Corprew Reed corprew@corprew.org

Washington, DC
DC-IA on LinkedIn
Founded in 2001
Bi-monthly presentations and informal meetings at cafes and offices; jobs and events email list; 600+ members; average event size 10-25
Contact : Stacy Surla or Dan Brown at DC-IA on LinkedIn

This page was last modified on September 9, 2014 12:30 PM.