Hálózati útmutató

IA Networking Guide (PDF)
We have created a networking guide to help people interested in the field of IA and IAI members answer questions about...

  • Who's an IA?
  • What's behind local groups?
  • How do IAs network and collaborate?
  • What initiatives are currently running?
  • How can I join in the initiatives?
  • What's the workflow of the translation initiative for example?
  • How do existing Tools and platforms support me in network and collaboration?

[download] PDF Document

Csatlakozz az IA Hálózat

The Information Architecture Institute is a growing network of active IA specialists. The main goal of our online IA Network is to provide IAs worldwide the opportunity to find local IA networks, meet other IAs, share knowledge and collaborate on projects that move our industry forward.


geo-locate IAs and local groups map imageIAI members and local group events are located worldwide, in over 70 countries on six continents. Use our map to search for other IAs and local group activity in your area. Add your profile and networks near you.

Local Groups

We support a number of local groups across the globe with one-on-one coaching for group leaders, project management space in Basecamp and virtual office space in SecondLife.

IA Hálózatok

We have compiled a list of over 1000 active information architecture, information science and user experience groups all over the globe. Browse a list of existing IAI local groups and other network groups to find one (or several) near you.

Email levelezőlista

IAI member discussion lists cover current topics in IA, planning IAI activities and exploring our role in cutting edge technologies.

IA Projektek

Information Architects and local IA groups offer projects for IAI members to join. View the projects and meet the project manager.

Kapcsolódj be

One of the ways our members develop network contacts, improve skills nad mentor one another is through our many volunteer opportunities. Find out how you can help.

IA Dokumentumok Írása

Our Community always seeks new deliverables to communicate the growing field of IA. Your input is welcome! (All contributions will be evaluated for relevancy and proper placement within our resource library.)
[upload documents]

Suggested next steps

Geolokálj - Find IAs and create your own network
Local Groups - How to Create a local group
Find IA Projektek - Meet and collaborate with IA members
Browse our current list of Volunteer Opportunities