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IAI Translations of "Chapter 1 of IA for the WWW by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville"
This page will be updated with all the latest links to various translations of this article as they come in.
Original : IA for the WWW - 2nd edition - Chapter 1, Defining Information Architecture
Author: Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
Original date of publication: August 2002
*Note: Chapter 1 of the current, 3rd edition of this publication is identical to the 2nd edition.
IAI Translations of this article
- English: Defining Information Architecture
- Italian (Italiano): Cos'è l'Architettura Dell'Informazione
Translated by the publisher - Polish: Czym Jest Architektura Informactji?
Translated by Katarzyna Stawarz - Spanish: Arquitectura de la información para la Red: Capítulo 1
Translated by Marcos Pérez Sánchez
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