Inside Translations
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Translations in Polish
Translations from Polish to English
- We Are All Information Architects: An Interview with Professor Eric Reiss
Original: Wszyscy jesteśmy architektami informacji, Wywiad z prof. Ericem Reissem (Marzec / Kwiecień 2007)
Translated by Stanisław Skórka
Translations in Polish
- Architektura informacji rzeczy codziennego użytku
Original: The IA of Everyday Things by Jesse James Garrett
Translated by Katarzyna Stawarz
- Co To Jest Architektem Informacji?
Original: What is Information Architecture? by IA Institute
Translated by Stanislaw Skorka
- Co robi architekt informacji
Original: What an IA Does
Translated by Katarzyna Stawarz
- Czy jestem architektem informacji?
Original: Am I an IA? by IA Institute
Translated by Stanislaw Skorka
- Czym Jest Architektura Informactji?
Original: Chapter 1 of IA for the WWW by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
Translated by Katarzyna Stawarz
- Definicja architektury informacji
Original: The Definition of Information Architecture by Peter Morville
Tłumaczenie: Katarzyna Stawarz, Marzec 2011
- Elementy UX
Original: The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garret
Translated By: Andrzej Siewierski and Katarzyna Stawarz
We do not have a fully translated Polish website. To help build a Polish website, please contact
Want to Join TIA?
The Institute welcomes volunteers who are interested in working on the translation initiative. We currently need help migrating each language site into a planned redesign format. Volunteers with an understanding of the site language and translation methodology are ideal. We can provide training in the tools and technolgy platforms used.
We will also need help editing content in each of our represented languages.
Contact our TIA Coordinator and join the TIA discussion list to get involved.