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Rosenfeld Media publishes short, practical, and useful books and webinars on user experience design. Their products explain the design and research methods that web professionals need to make informed design decisions. IAI members a discount of 20% off book purchases as well as both live and recorded webinars.

Visit the Member Center for details on partner discounts.


What is the IA Glossary?

IAI is working to establish a standard glossary of information architecture terms. The glossary is intended to foster a shared vocabulary within the discipline and should work in concert with the development of the IA Taxonomy.

  • IA Glossary by Bob Doyle

Older Resources:


  • A common language among practitioners
  • Clarification of terminology to avoid confusion
  • A learning resource for new IAs or co-workers that are not IAs

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This page was last modified on February 1, 2007 04:14 PM.