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AIIM online certificate programs provide vendor neutral training in technologies and global best practices for managing and utilizing information assets. Programs include: Enterprise Content Management, Electronic Records Management, Business Process Management, Information Organization and Access, Enterprise 2.0, Email Management. IAI members are eligible for AIIM courses at the AIIM professional rate!

Visit the Member Center for details on partner discounts.

Rosenfeld Media Discounts

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Rosenfeld Media is offering IAI members a discount of 20% off book purchases as well as both live and recorded webinars! Contact Membership at or visit the Member Center Member Discounts page to get your code. Only current IAI members qualify for this special rate.

Get the latest book titles from Rosenfeld Media:
* Mental Models: Aligning design strategy with human behavior by Indi Young.
* Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks by Luke Wroblewski.
* Design is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainableby Nathan Shedroff.

View the upcoming live and recorded webinars at Rosenfeld Media.

Visit the IA Institute Member Center for discount codes.

This page was last modified on February 17, 2012 02:26 PM.