Leren Informatie Architectuur

Anyone wishing to learn the craft of information architecture is encouraged to pursue a variety of educational possibilities, including our Selected IA Books, internships, mentoring, online communities, and formal study. Studies of human-computer interaction, library & information science, knowledge management, and social informatics are also relevant to IA training.

Introduction to IA

The short description of what IA is and what IAs do.

What is IA? in Adobe PDF format What is IA? (46 kb)
Am I an IA? in Adobe PDF format Am I an IA? (68 kb)

[browse introductory resources]

IA Onderzoek

The IA Institute sponsors research to keep you informed about issues, tools and best IA practices.


IA Opleidingen

Find out what IA books to read, where to study and what types of careers are available in the IA industry.


IA Vertalingen

The Translations of Information Architecture (TIA) initiative has produced translations of a number of key IA works into several languages. We are actively seeking volunteers to help with our language sites and article translations.

IA Glossary

An effort is underway to internationalize the IA Glossary. View the latest version of the IA Glossary or find out about creating a glossary in your language.

IA Bibliotheek

Our members are prolific writers and researchers. Look in our library for the latest documents posted by our members. View the list of new entries.

IA Tools

Our members contribute highly rated IA Tools to help you in your daily processes. Download and try them out.

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